Puberty. Power. Purpose


Enrollment for this round has closed.

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when the next program starts 



I need to show you something....


She went from feeling bad about herself to feeling much better about herself, and I’m going to help you do the same.

How would it feel to...

  • Know that your daughter learned about her body, emotions, periods, and pads in the comfort of your home and is now ready for puberty!
  • Know that your daughter is confident in who she is, understands her true identity, embraces her uniqueness, and loves who she is!
  • Know that your daughter has been equipped with tools that empower her for her God-given purpose!
  • Becomes the BOSS she was born to be!

I was almost in tears . . .

Haven started her cycle last month.  We were all an emotional wreck! I set the alarm on her phone this month and NOTHING! I asked Haven what she learned from Puberty Power Purpose for Girls.  She said she learned about Puberty and the reason her period doesn't come at the same time every month is because her body is still maturing.  I was almost in tears!  Thank you again!

– Tracy

I'm Dr.G

Pediatrician, Motivational Speaker, Author, Visionary

I’m Dr. Gretchen Petterway. My patients call me Dr. G, Dr. Petterway, Dr. P, and even Dr. Pepper. Call me what you like because I’ll answer them all. Ha! I am a board-certified pediatrician with 16 years of experience teaching girls about puberty, menstrual periods, and everything in between. 

Most people don’t know that I love playing board games with my family. I was the Connect 4 Champion. But, my son recently dethroned me.  Rude! I like romantic comedies, and I am totally afraid of scary movies. I am a huge fan of Plant-Based eating and the Pittsburgh Steelers! I am that horrible dancer who loves to dance.    

I can't wait to guide you.

When I was a young girl, I had an accident AT SCHOOL because I didn’t know that my second period would last longer than the first one. I was a bloody mess and went home feeling ashamed and horrified! No one had taught me about all that stuff, so I was unprepared.  

I have a unique perspective because I was also a young girl growing up with low self-esteem and a poor self-image due to past childhood trauma. I didn’t know God created me as a beautiful human being with a unique gift I’d one day share with the world.   Now, I get to teach girls about puberty and empower them with tools to promote positive self-images while pushing them into their God-given purposes! 

I am determined to show up as my best self so that I can help young girls show up as their best selves on purpose!

Don’t you want your daughter to be ready for puberty, confident in who she is, and pushed toward her God-given purpose?


Dr. G has been featured in:

I was once where your daughter is right now, 

and now I take care of girls with similar stories.

That’s when I decided to do things differently and everything changed.

  • I created an online course for girls to learn about Puberty, Power, and Purpose over eight weeks in the comfort of their own homes because a 15-minute doctor's visit or a large hospital-sponsored event isn't enough time to do it all!  
  • They learn everything from periods, pads, good hygiene, and everything in between.
  • They learn to discover and love who they are!
  • They are empowered to fulfill their God-given purposes!
  • They become the BOSSES they were born to be.
  • Parents can be there right by their sides.

And now I want to help your daughter do the same... 

Puberty. Power. Purpose. for Girls

  • Your daughter learns about Puberty, Power, and Purpose over eight weeks.
  • She learns about her body in an unrushed, intimate way in the comfort of your home, snuggled up with her favorite Pillow and You.
  • She prepares for changes in her body and emotions with confidence.
  • She discovers her true self, learns to love who she is, and is empowered to fulfill her God-given purpose.
  • I give you all the tools you need to support her during this program and this major life transition.
  • You'll have a board-certified pediatrician and mom helping you guide your daughter through Puberty and beyond. 

Here’s how the program breaks down...

Learning About Puberty

(Module 1)

In this module, she’ll learn the who, what, when, where, why, and how of Puberty.  Your daughter will go from "Oh, no, it's the P word" to "I am ready to navigate Puberty like the boss I was born to be!" You’ll be right there with her, cheering her on in the comfort of your own home.

  • Here’s your ultimate overview
  • Puberty and everything in between
  • Intro to Emotions and Mood Swings
  • Let's Talk About It - Communication 101
  • PowerTools for Success

Prepare for Changes in Your Body

(Module 2)

 In this module, we’ll dive deeper! She’ll learn how to prepare for changes in her body, including her menstrual cycle, and obtain the tools necessary to handle body changes and periods like a true boss!

  • It’s her body! She’ll learn about it - inside and out! 
  • She’ll understand why it’s essential to Call A Vagina A Vagina!
  • She’ll boss up on period products, skincare, and hygiene!
  • She’ll learn how Healthy Lifestyles are important for Puberty and beyond.

Prepare for Changes in Your Emotions

(Module 3)

In this module, she will learn about emotions, tools to help her dominate them, and strategies to champion her emotional health and well-being. 

  • SHEmotions - say what?
  • Mood Swings - Please give me a pass, mama!
  • Minding your Shemotions! 
  • Relax, Relate, and Release it, girl!
  • What to do when it’s more than an emotion!

Discover and Love Who You Really Are

(Module 4)

In this module, she'll learn "who" she is.  She will understand that the opinions of others don’t define her worth - B.O.S.S. status!

  • She’ll take a journey through self-love and identity.
  • She’ll understand why her life matters!
  • She'll understand her true value.
  • She’ll be introduced to the why behind her existence.

Embrace the Boss You were Born to Be

(Module 5)

In this module, she'll learn the Puberty Power Purpose for Girls B.O.S.S Framework for Success

  • Were you wondering why you’ve read BOSS several times? In this module, she’ll learn the B.O.S.S Framework for Success. 
  • This foundational framework will equip her for success during Puberty and throughout her Life.
  • She'll be introduced to the concept of Life’s purpose.

Empowered to Fulfill Your God-given Purpose

(Module 6)

In this module, she'll learn the "why" behind her existence

  • She'll understand that she was born with a unique purpose that only she can fulfill.
  • She'll gain tools to build a foundation of vision for her future 
  • She’ll be able to share her knowledge with her peers.
  • She’ll understand the power of community to propel her into life’s purpose.

Get on the Waitlist for our Next

Puberty, Power, Purpose for Girls Program

Enrollment has closed for this round of the program, but there will be another one soon with some exciting changes! 

Be the first to know when the next program goes live by adding your information here. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are you waiting for?

No other program like this simultaneously couples Puberty education, Self-Love, discovering your why, AND discussing your God-given purpose! Say What? Don’t you want your daughter to be ready for puberty, empowered with confidence in who she is, and pushed toward her God-given purpose?